Sausage Balls Recipe

Sausage Balls are a great snack and a staple, at least for me, in party planning. Found a quick 3-ingredient recipe that I like and wanted to post it here. Ingredients: Instructions: Serve with Mustard or Warmed Maple Syrup. My experience is that these measurements and size yield about 30 sausage balls. This was taken…

Oct 2023 Update

While it was fun playing with the BBS, I lost interest as fast as I found it. I may still play with it from time to time, but for all intents and purposes, it’s shut down. I never found the motivation to truly dig in and try to grow a user base. Plus, there’s a…

90’s Nostalgia

The thought popped into my head the other day about something from my teenage years… Bulletin Board Systems (BBSes). While I never formally owned, operated, or even had a modem to connect to one, my best friend in high school did. I basically lived over at his house for the majority of my high school…

Building a PC…

Decided to build a PC recently. It’s been a while since I’ve done it. I’ve gotten wrapped up in the hype of some of the newer hardware… plus I want an RGB rig! As we all know, the more RGB, the higher the frames. I’m going to try and take pictures along the way and…